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AI Myths Busted: Why AI Isn’t Just for Tech Giants

Kyle Daniels
Jul 08, 2024
AI myths busted blog post for Bundle

AI. It’s the current buzzword that excites and intimidates businesses all over the world.

There’s a common misconception that AI, like really good AI, is only attainable for tech giants like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Netflix, and more. The rest of us get ChapGPT-made plugins and a dime a dozen SaaS tools that are marketed to change the game yet barely get you past go. 

This misconception often leaves smaller companies hesitant to truly explore AI’s potential, fearing the cost complexity and the supposed necessity of needing a team of the finest data scientists to make it sing. In reality, AI has evolved into a versatile tool accessible to businesses of all shapes and sizes. 

With that being said, we wanted to explore other misconceptions, or myths, around AI to put your mind at ease and show you that AI isn’t just reserved for those with the biggest wallets.

Myth 1: AI Is Too Expensive

One of the biggest misconceptions is that AI implementation costs a fortune. While it’s true that early AI projects required substantial investments, the landscape has dramatically changed. Today, affordable AI solutions are tailored for small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Some of these include: 

SaaS AI Solutions

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms offer AI functionalities on a subscription basis, eliminating the need for hefty upfront costs. Tools like our Bundle Stacks provide AI-driven insights at a fraction of the cost of developing in-house AI solutions.

Cloud-Based AI

Cloud providers like AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure offer AI services that can be scaled according to your business needs and budget. You only pay for what you use, making AI more accessible without breaking the bank.

Open-Source AI  

There’s also a growing number of open-source AI frameworks, such as TensorFlow and PyTorch. These resources allow businesses to experiment with AI without significant financial risk.

Myth 2: AI Requires Advanced Technical Expertise

Another barrier for many businesses is the belief that AI necessitates a team of highly skilled data scientists and engineers. However, this is not necessarily the case, especially when you consider that most tools require little more than you logging in and accepting a few terms and conditions.

User-Friendly AI Tools

Modern AI tools are designed with usability in mind. AI driven platforms are built to be intuitive, allowing non-techies to leverage AI capabilities without needing a deep understanding of machine learning algorithms. They come with pre-built models and user-friendly interfaces.

Automated Machine Learning (AutoML)

AutoML tools automate the process of applying machine learning to real-world problems. These tools, such as Google’s AutoML or Microsoft’s Azure Machine Learning, handle tasks like data pre-processing, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning, making it easier for non-experts to create AI models.

Outsourcing AI

If in-house expertise is lacking, businesses can partner with AI consultants or firms specialising in implementing AI solutions, like assimil8. This approach allows companies to benefit from AI without needing to develop the expertise internally.

Myth 3: AI is Only for Large Scale Operations

Many SMEs believe that AI is only beneficial for large-scale operations and unsuitable for their specific needs or scale. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Nowadays, AI is being used to level the playing field, giving smaller companies access to insights and data analytics previously locked behind insurmountable paywalls.

AI in Customer Service  

AI chatbots and virtual assistants can improve customer service by handling routine inquiries, booking appointments, and providing 24/7 support. These tools are scalable and can be customised to fit the needs of your business.

AI in Marketing  

AI-driven tools can analyse customer data to offer personalised marketing strategies, manage social media, and even help to create content. This allows small businesses to compete with larger firms regarding customer engagement and retention.

AI in Operations  

AI can streamline operations by optimising supply chain management, predicting equipment maintenance needs, and automating routine tasks—a huge cost saving at a time when every penny saved is a big win for the business.

Myth 4: AI Will Replace Human Jobs

There’s a widespread fear that AI will lead to massive job losses. While AI can automate certain tasks, it also creates new opportunities and enhances human capabilities.

In 2022, economist Richard Baldwin said:

“It’s not AI that’s going to take your job, but someone who knows how to use AI might”. 

Richard was pretty spot on with this observation, and two years later his prediction couldn’t be more apt. 

AI Augments Human Work  

Rather than replacing humans, AI often works alongside them. It can handle repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on more strategic, creative, and fulfilling work. For example, AI can automate data entry, enabling staff to spend more time on customer interaction and problem-solving.

New Job Roles 

AI adoption creates demand for new roles, such as AI trainers, data analysts, and AI maintenance professionals. These new roles require a blend of domain knowledge and basic AI understanding, offering career growth opportunities for existing employees.

Make no mistake, AI is getting smarter every day, but it’s still some way off from replacing someone with real-world experience. 

Myth 5: AI is a Fad

Some business owners view AI as a passing trend that’s not worth the investment. However, AI is far from a fad; it fundamentally shifts how businesses operate and compete in the marketplace. 

Long-Term Value  

AI provides long-term value by improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enabling data-driven decision-making. Companies that invest in AI today are positioning themselves for sustained competitive advantage. Especially when you consider that your competitors are already implementing AI into their day-to-day operations. 

Industry Adoption  

AI is being adopted across various industries, from healthcare to retail and finance to manufacturing. Its applications are growing, and businesses that ignore this trend risk falling behind.

AI isn’t just for tech giants

AI’s a powerful tool that will do more than drive efficiencies for your business. It can help you grow, showing buying patterns from your prospects that will determine whether your next quarter will succeed or fail. 

We hope to encourage more companies to explore AI’s potential by debunking these common myths. When you next think of AI, you can instead think about affordable solutions, user-friendly tools, and the promise of enhanced human work to make AI accessible and beneficial for everyone. 

If you want to dip a toe into AI without breaking the bank or disrupting your business, why not try one of our Bundle Stacks? They’re designed to focus on one or two key challenges in your business and are super simple to get started with. 

If you’re interested, check out our upcoming LinkedIn Stack to discover how you can grow your brand on LinkedIn and generate genuine leads. 


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